LoM Java modpack 0.8 PatchnotesDescription:Yes, sorry for skipping a few patchnotes. The reason patchnotes for previous version were not released was due to it not being released to public yet. The work was mostly done server side as well but for the most part, changes were made over the course of time, let's make that clear.
Changes?:LoM Java modpack Setup creation
LoM Java modpack setup launched
LoM Updated policy.
New mod.
Added MobSpawner.
LoM Server & client has around 120 mods.
Configuration files and sorted files cleaned.
Configuration settings & option changes applyed.
Server.dat added.
Client & world changes?:Cramming changes max cramming 3.
Difficulty set to 3.
Heart containers update and tweaks:Heart's are now mroe rare.
Hearts do not drop in whole hearts.
Mobs and creature drop rule changes.
Pixelmon changes?:Pixelmon recover in beds.
Pixelmon recover but may still need potions to heal after resurrections.
Pixelmon spawn rates extremly rare for all sources.
Pixel loot now spawns every 64 chunks.
Pixelmon can be attacked by player entity.
Pixelmon will vanish if you flee or fail the battle.
Pixelmon mounting disabled.
Pixelmon cloning disabled.
Poke Marts now take emeralds, diamonds, ordinarycoins and much more. Marts updated.
Max plants 6 per chunk.
Bind key 0 set for casting pixelmon out.
Stackies:Max stacks 100 forall 64 items.
Boats and other sorts max stacks raised.
FTB:Updated FTB mods to latestversions.
Forge:Updated to latest version.
DrZarks MobSpawner:Edited and configured all entitys, realms spawn rules.